Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Going Social

When we first designed VidZapper, we added a number of social features, including user generated content and the ability to create content groups, but these features have become sadly neglected since, largely due to the fact that they were sparsely used by our customers.

However, we believe that these features are going to be increasingly important for some of the services that we'll be powering in the future so we've dedicated time and resource to add in more social features.

The Player Builder now boasts integration with ShareThis and the ability to share an individual video link by email, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo! etc..

At the same time, we've resurrected an original VidZapper feature and added in the Manage Groups function, so now it's possible to create Groups (and Groups within Groups):

This will be added to the API and will enable complex functions like the ability to share videos with permanent or temporary Groups. We also intend to use it in forthcoming launches of a specialised version of VidZapper that features workflow at its core and should appeal to production companies and broadcasters.

Of course, VidZapper also boasts a wide range of other social functions such as the ability to easily build Facebook video apps and share them, creating and sharing embedded videos on blogs and publishing feeds out as RSS, MRSS, Atom, iTunes, etc..