Thursday, June 17, 2010

VidZapper On The iPad

Despite being Flex based, it was pretty easy getting VidZapper to work on the iPad:

I simply loaded an app called Desktop and then connected to a remote server, pointed the browser to the VZAdmin console and then logged in. Now I can get into it with two taps on the iPad, or indeed my iPhone.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Sportzzone's Up And Running

Great to see the multichannel Sportzzone TV up and running in time for some major sailing action from Korea. The internet still lacks great destinations for sports content, so we hope this will be a great success, especially since the team behind it have a ton of experience in this field.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Going Live and Scheduled

We do a very large number of live events on VidZapper. This week, for example, sees addresses by the Spanish Prime Minister, live European Speedway and live World Match Racing Tour sailing from Korea.

Setting up live events takes seconds on VidZapper and now we're also introducing new simulcast technology that enable live broadcast streams to be shown online at the same time as live telly. Actually, we've had basic technology to enable simulcasting for a long time, used by broadcasters such as Spain's Giralda TV, but now we've introduced the ability to 'over schedule', or drop in new or different content via our new VZSchedule tool.

You can now create schedules for any date and enable 'cut outs' by placing on demand or local video content within the schedule:

For example, you can replace ad breaks with your own ads, or change content that you don't have rights for online.